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Preparations for school opening continue in Sarangani

Despite the announcement from the DepEd Central Office that the opening of classes will be moved to October 5, preparation activities continue in Sarangani.

"We will not say that we are ready, but we are preparing," Schools Division Superintendent Gildo G. Mosqueda said during the Management Committee Teleconference, August 26.

Curriculum Implementation Division Chief Donna S. Panes reported that 90% of schools have finished printing the modules for the first week of classes, while 50% have printed the modules for the second week. 

"The preparations are not without challenges," says Panes

"We have received reports that some self-learning modules are incomplete or too lengthy. Some schools also reported that funds are lacking or materials, especially, bond paper and ink are not available," Panes added.

The CID Chief also recommended that school heads should map available resources like households that have laptops, computers, smartphones, and internet connection, so that they would be deducted from the number of modules to be printed. 

For households with gadgets, only the learning activity sheets will be printed in order to minimize the cost.

Budget Officer Grace Albarracin explained that there are funds for the reproduction of modules and the release of said funds is currently being fast-tracked.

Albarracin also explained that the allocation for the third and fourth quarter will be coming from the 2021 budget.

Further, Assistant SDS Diosdado Ablanido announced that unclaimed MOOE shall be prorated to schools per capita and could be used for reproduction of modules and other learning continuity activities.

The CID has already conducted the Content, Pedagogy, and Assessment online training for the different subject areas from August 14-17, 2020.

The Learning Action Cell Team has also conducted the Roll-out of the Learning Delivery Modalities Course 1 on August 24.

Said online training sessions are geared towards equipping school heads with knowledge on identifying the appropriate learning delivery modalities in their respective schools.

School Governance and Operations Division Chief Ma. Shirley Cardinal announced that some schools have already conducted parent orientations and encouraged the school heads to involve the parents and external stakeholders in the preparation activities for the opening of classes, including the distribution of modules.


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